Thursday, 2 October 2008

Seaside Retreat.....

I have seen this.....
and I would really like one.......but I can't afford one.

I wish I had an eccentric aunt
that would bequeath me a stack of cash,
I'd spoil myself rotten
and buy one in a flash!

I have found a site that rents them out and I could hire one at Lyme Regis for £20 so I think over the half term holidays I may bundle the kids up and splurge,
an October day at the beach,
sat in a little hut sipping a hot chocolate,
after combing the beach for pebbles and driftwood with the little ones
what a way to spend a day!



Joanne said...

Hey me and the little guys would be glad to join you and your little guys for a day of beach huts, hot chocolate and beach combing.

April said...

Hi, thanks for your comments on my blog - and good for you on all the PTA stuff!

I really like yor blog and will be back!

April xx

Just Original said...

Just spotted you via Petticoat Lane and thought I would pay a visit! Great blog!

Will pop back soon

Vanessa x

PS A family day out for £20 sounds a good investment to me!

Attic24 said...

Hey Alex
I used to work summers at lyme regis in a little icecream kisok right next to the beach huts on the front. I had no idea you could rent them daily, what a great idea.
please report back if you do decide to go, would love to hear some Tales From The Hut!

Petticoat Lane said...

I love those beach huts at Lyme Regis...what a great idea, you must report back. Us bloggers should hire the entire row and let the kids all play whilst we sit chatting and talking about lovely things!!!
P.S Apple Pies looked great by the way.

karen said...

I've got my eye on one of those beach hut's in lyme too. we go there quite a lot in the summer months.