I raise my hand and admit that I am not worldly wise and I had no clue what a "Moob" was ....
however... fabulous Taz from Cut it and pin it has luckily taken me under her tutelage and explained the moob to me.... however after seeing her image of Jack Nicholson Moobs I have tracked down a picture that has opened up many more questions to my obviously tired and yet curiously overactive mind.....

1. I am certain that I have seen films with a buff muscly John Travolta... whats happened?
2. what's he doing with his hands?
3. why are his shorts all puffed out, and whats so funny?... have you farted!
4. I never realised he had a count Dracula hair line!
5. I am not sure that this is Mr Travolta at all.... :|
I can only assume that a) the heat is getting to me and b) I need some sleep...
trouble is I might have nightmares about MOOBS!
So I need to surround myself with images such as these.....

I know.. I know... I really need to go and lie down somewhere shady and drink plenty of water...
perhaps I have sun stroke! lol
off to have a cup of tea...
I will be back with some photo's of my almost, nearly there kitchen revamp and some more crochet projects that I am trying to complete...
Thank you all for your lovely words of kindness and support... you really are the best friends a girl could have...
I am feeling a little better I have cleared out a box of kitchen stuff that never gets used and I have sold the three lots I put on eBay...
I have to say I am looking forward to a little cooler weather tomorrow and I have a sore throat and a bunged up nose and burning sinuses... trust me to catch a cold with weather like this! ;D
take care all you lovely people
x Alex
Very funny, but I think the sun might have had an effect on you so I think that cup of tea might be a good idea! Although I am now pondering the Shaven/Hairy dilemma myselft!!!
Thanks for popping by earlier, the wood is ours and my yummy tent will stay there for the summer - I am ever hopeful that I will persuade Mr Magic that a caravan would be useful for the winter.....I've been waiting a long time! Hugs Debs xx
Oh hunni Thanks for the little giggle there. I also didn't have a clue what "moob" was lol.
I actually prefer men who are a bit more ... well shall we say chunky. Much to my hubby's delight lol.
But yes your comments about Mr travolta did make me giggle perhaps we both need to stay out of the sun hehehe.
I'm glad your feeling a bit better and well done with your ebay sucess. Me on the other hand I think I just need to hire a big skip lol.
Moobs was a new word in my vocabulary after reading Taz's post....... as for the shaven/hairy question? DEFINITELY hairy!
I'm always happy to help out a friend ;)
Yes you most definately HAVE seen films with Mr Saturday Night Fever looking buff, this is what the stars (well the men) look like when they've not spent 6 months prior to shooting a movie living in the gym ;)
I'm with you on the farting, I do believe I can see bubbles!
As for the hairy/smooth debate - as a youngster it was smooth all the way but as I've matured I quite like a bit of fluff there. But I have to draw the line at gorilla backs!!
Sounds like you've got a touch of hayfever petal, keep well xx
Alex I didn't know what moobs were either... I do now! You have made me laugh! So funny. It is awful to get a cold in this very, very hot weather, hope you feel better soon! suzie xxxx
Ah yes, the smooth or hairy debate. For me, a man should be a man so deffinately needs a hairy chest. Smooth is too girlie but a hairy back is a step too far!
Lol, great post, very funny. :) xx
Hi there Alex
What a hysterical post! Surely this is not the John T that we knew and loved all those years ago??? But I guess the moobs and middle age spread get to everyone eventually....
I hope you have felt better today- definitely cooler and easier to do things. And well done you for the ebay selling - watch out, it gets addictive - I go around looking for stuff to pass on!
Happy days to you,
Denise x
Alex, you crack me up!!! Moobs??????? Who knew???? jan
Hey sweetie, I hope today has been a better one than yesterday. (((hugs)))
Maybe next year you can come here and we'll have a Eurovision party with some nibbles and wine and NO men xx
Ohmygoodness, that's funny, but that is definitely Travolta, sugar.
Hairy definitely sexier. But I tell ya, after a certain age they definitely "FALL", chick. Hubs is a very sexy man but he's starting to need a bra and he walks 30 minutes 3 times a week and has lifted weights foreverrrrrr!! Age and gravity does definitely take its toll.
Thank you for the comment on the military. If you son wants to join, let him. He's a MAN when he makes that decision to defend his country!!!
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